
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wedding plans and family drama

Ok, so we are in the final week before the wedding... why is it there is ALWAYS someone who has to create drama?

All we want is to enjoy this week - are we asking for to much?  We just want the Bride and Groom to have smiles on their faces and to actually look forward to the rehearsal, wedding, reception and after party...
PLEASE help me understand...  I need to create a No Drama Zone!

Let me just give some general information....
We sat down and discussed what needed to be done in the next few days... we discussed items that needed to be purchased, who was buying what, who was working on things like the program layout and the slide show...
Sounds good, right?

Within mere hours of this discussion - we found those we had this discussion with buying items I was supposed to purchase (ok, I don't care but TELL ME so I don't buy the item also!!)
Had text message drama about the slide show, where the one who was originally going to do it but said they could not do it is suddenly all upset saying they have spent 6 hours (really??) creating the slide show because those we JUST had the discussion with told them they HAD to do it...  while no mention of this person working on the slide show at all during our discussion.
So, with all that - we had a sit down meeting about COMMUNICATION!  More drama, blaming the Bride, blaming the Groom - REALLY??

So, we have all that squared away - right.... well, so we thought.  Now we start the morning with more tears - people feeling that one family is being slighted, the after party (which is for the wedding party and especially for those who have traveled a great distance for this event) is more focused on the brides family than the grooms family... <sigh> really???

Why is it so difficult?  WHO is this wedding for/about anyway??

All I want is a happy bride and groom....   I may be dreaming.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ok, so here is the story of the CT Angiogram.  Nothing super dramatic, so prepare to be bored!

I was told to arrive 30 minutes early to complete paperwork, I arrived and had to scan a sheet to be sure my name, DOB, etc... was correct.  I had to sign a paper... and, that was it!  That was the paperwork I had to arrive 30 minutes early to complete, crazy!  
Anyway, after completing the extensive paperwork, we were sent to the waiting area - 45 minutes later.... thinking they must have forgotten me, my hubby goes back to the counter to check and, "Oh, she is next!" 

So they walk me back and ask me a million questions that are totally irrelevant, I get to change into a really sweet backless gown with sleeves that snap all the way up to the neck.  I am asked my name, DOB, etc... again - confirming my identity (I could be someone else in disguise)... and my "latex" allergy - I am allergic to the adhesives, but they don't listen!

The technician explains the procedure, "We will be using an intravenous contrast material, you will feel a pin prick when the needle is inserted into your vein. You may have a warm, flushed sensation during the injection of the contrast materials and a metallic taste in your mouth that lasts for a few minutes. Some patients experience a sensation like they have wet their pants, you haven't and the sensation will go away."  

The CT Scanner looks kind of like a big donut - no really!  You lie on a narrow examination table that slides into and out of the hole of the donut. The computer workstation that processes the imaging information is located in a separate control room, where the technologist operates the scanner and monitors your examination.

They taped my feet together.  I had to lay on my back for so long, I actually dozed off!  hee hee - I only realized and woke up because I had to have both my arms up over my head and they started to slip down. 

First they did the scan without the contrast material then an automatic injection pump connected to the IV released the contrast material at a controlled rate. I did feel a very warm, ok HOT, sensation as the solution went through my body - and yes I did kinda feel like I had wet my pants!  During the scan I had to hold your breath. Any motion, whether breathing or body movements, can lead to "artifacts" on the images. This is similar to the blurring seen on a photograph taken of a moving object.

Following the exam, they removed the intravenous catheter and bandaged the needle puncture site.  Guess what, I now have a nice rash from the adhesive!

It really didn't take long and the rash will be gone in a day or two.

So, are you still awake?  I told you it was boring!  

Friday, September 7, 2012

Catching up....

Long neglected, not forgotten!  
I am not much of a writer, I guess you can tell!  I *think* about writing, but it is much harder to stop and actually put those thoughts down "on paper".

Many things are and have been happening, the major ones: 
1. My daughter is getting married!
2. I have been diagnosed with erythromelalgia (

I plan, in days to come, to share pictures of preparation for the wedding and then actual wedding pictures!

Today, I am focusing on the second item, not because it is more important - but because I have a medical test TODAY.  My Dr. has requested a CT angiogram, which is scheduled for this afternoon.  The idea is to get a look at the blood vessels in my legs to be sure I don't have any blockage that is contributing to the problem with my feet.  Right now my feet are the effect area, although I have started to have early signs in my hands.

A CT angiogram is a diagnostic test that uses X-rays and an injected dye to produce 3-dimensional images of the blood vessels and surrounding tissues. The test does not require entering the body (it is noninvasive). 

During a CT scan, a beam of X-rays is sent towards your body in a 360-degree circle. Detectors pick up the X-rays after they have passed through your body, creating digital images of thin "slices" of your body. A computer assembles these slices into a complete 3-dimensional picture of the arteries and surrounding tissues. A special iodine-based contrast dye is injected into your bloodstream to highlight the arteries, which do not appear on a normal X-ray.

CT angiogram image

Picture of a CT scanner
I will lie face up on a table. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted, which is used to inject the contrast dye used during the test. 
The test will begin and the table will move rapidly through the scanner as the machine takes a picture of different "slices" of my body. The technician will probably ask me to hold my breath for 10 to 20 seconds at certain times, since even the motion of breathing can interfere with getting the best images.
This is what I am preparing to go through, I am a little nervous, but nor afraid.  I plan to write about the experience in the near future.